I wrote down everything I read and began writing my own first novel...

This blog aimed to contrast what I was reading in in 1975-79 with the same month, week and day, 30 years later in 2005-2009. I'm leaving the blog up in archive mode, blogging in real time on Live Journal--and still writing novels.

Lynne Murray's Live Journal and Bride of the Dead Blog

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Aiiii!! Futzing with formats!

It will take a little time for these blogging tools to become transparent to me! The name alone sounds like a cross between a swamp, quicksand, and something that requires a plunger. Trying to correct and then publish my first effort, I accidentally deleted all the text. So I just reconstructed it and tried to put in a link, that I thought would display a book cover graphic. Um, nope. I see typos. I'm going to leave it as it is.

Eventually I will figure it out. Like Scarlett O'Hara, I'll think about that tomorrow....which just so happens to be another day

I left off on my thrilling books of yesteryear with January 15-31, 1975 - at this rate I'll get caught up to exactly 30 years ago soon.

Best Cartoons of 1970 (I didn't write down from where--The New Yorker? I still like cartoons books)
A Peanuts Treasury, Charles Schultz
A Gallery of Erotic Art, Drs. Kronhausen (sounds like a husband-wife team?)
The Seven Percent Solution, Nicholas Meyer
New Yorker 25th Anniversary Album
Best Cartoons '69 (I believe that was the year not a continuation of the Kronhausen book above)
Tallulah by Brendan Gill
Lingaard, Colin Wilson
The 9th Annual World's Best SF
Best SF '72
Final Stage (SF Anthology)
Wide-Eyed in Babylon (this must be Harlan Ellison, but I'm too paranoid about losing the post to check!)
Bleak House, Charles Dickens
Imogene (I believe this was a biography about Imogene Cunningham)

Lots o' books, but the cartoon books proabably took longer to haul to and from the library than to read!

January 15-31 2005
Again, this past January I was in the dominos-all-fall down end stage of writing a vampire book, so I didn't read too much of anyone else's stuff, but I did take a little time out for:

The Salmon of Doubt, Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last time, Douglas Adams

This made me a little sad all over again for the early loss of this genius--but I also laughed out loud, which was so welcome. Sometimes it's a pleasure simply to have been able to sample someone's wit.

Cat vs. Cat, Keeping Peace When You Have More Than One Cat, Pam Johnson-Bennett, Feline Behaviorist

I would never have imagined back in 1974 that I would know and love so many cats over the years. This book offered some invaluable ideas about keeping the peace and keeping everyone happy (including me)! One thing I've learned from the cats is--things work much better when you accept what they are, rather than what you wish they would be.

This lesson should work for relations between the sexes...or would it?

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